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Campus Alert Systems

The ABAC Campus Alert Systems allows site administrators to communicate quickly with students, faculty, and staff in both Tifton and Bainbridge locations in the event of an emergency at any of the ABAC locations or affecting its operations such as class cancellations, site closures, severe weather or security incidents. Further, ABAC utilizes O365 email for communication to all students, faculty. and staff for emergency communications.

ABAC also utilizes an emergency siren system located at the Tifton campus for emergency alerts, primarily for weather-related events which are also tested every second Tuesday of each month. The Tifton campus also provides LiveSafe mobile device application to all its students, faculty, and staff without cost to get notifications during an emergency and to able to report incidents to ABAC Police which is always monitored. The ABAC home page provides the most recent emergency updates; National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) weather radios are posted in strategically-located offices and buildings at the various ABAC sites; telephone trees (where assigned individuals call others to relay emergency messages) are utilized; and announcements are broadcast over police vehicle PA systems when warranted.