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The University System of Georgia (USG) prohibits all weapons on property owned or leased by the USG and its institutions, except as specifically provided herein or as provided in federal or state law. 


Prohibited weapons do not include sporting equipment possessed for legitimate use in formal or informal athletic or exercise activities.

Law enforcement officers, active military personnel, and other similar personnel may possess weapons as authorized by federal or state law to do so.

Any person who is 18 years of age or older or currently enrolled in classes in a USG institution may possess an electroshock weapon on the campus(es) of that institution but may only make use of such electroshock weapon in defense of self or others.

Weapons carry license holders may possess weapons while under the license holder’s physical control in a motor vehicle, in a locked compartment in a motor vehicle, in a locked container in a motor vehicle, or in a locked firearms rack in a motor vehicle.

A weapons carry license holder may carry a handgun in any building or on any real property owned or leased by the USG and its institutions; provided, however, that such exception shall:

(i) Not apply to buildings or property used for athletic sporting events or student housing, including, but not limited to, fraternity and sorority houses;

(ii) Not apply to any preschool or childcare space located within such buildings or real property;

(iii) Not apply to any room or space being used for classes related to a college and career academy or other specialized school as provided for under Georgia Code Section 20-4-37;

(iv) Not apply to any room or space being used for classes in which high school students are enrolled through a dual enrollment program, including, but not limited to, classes related to the “Move on When Ready Act” as provided for under Georgia Code Section 20-2-161.3;

(v) Not apply to faculty, staff, or administrative offices or rooms where disciplinary proceedings are conducted;

(vi) Only apply to the carrying of handguns which a licensee is licensed to carry pursuant to subsection (e) of Georgia Code Section 16-11-126 and pursuant to Georgia Code Section 16-11-129; and

(vii) Only apply to the carrying of handguns which are concealed.

Campus Carry

Georgia House Bill 280, commonly referred to as the “campus carry” legislation, takes effect as of July 1, 2017. For more information on this new law (which amends O.C.G.A. § 16-11-127.1) and how it will be implemented on University System of Georgia campuses, please read Chancellor Wrigley’s guidance to the USG community, dated May 24, 2017. Below you will find additional information in response to common topics of inquiries that members of the USG community have posed.

First, it is important to reiterate that House Bill 280 establishes that anyone who is licensed to carry a handgun may do so – in a concealed manner only – anywhere on Georgia’s public college and university campuses, except in certain areas that are specifically listed in the law. If an area of campus is not mentioned in one of those exceptions, license-holders may carry guns there. Unlike “campus carry” laws in some other states, HB 280 does not give colleges and universities in Georgia discretion to prohibit handguns on their campuses or to add any additional exceptions to the ability to carry handguns beyond those already contained in the law.

More detailed information can be found at